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Four Top Reasons to Attend Cavanaugh's BrideShow.
Sheraton Station Square 11:00am - 4:00pm Walk Through Fashion Shows Over 110 Wedding Professionals All Brides Receive a One Years Subscription to Brides Magazine (cancels automatically in one year) 1. We are the biggest summer Bridal Show in Pittsburgh, and have the TOP bridal salons participating and are exclusive to our July shows. Over 70% of our vendors are only doing our summer show so this is your chance to see the 'Best of the Best' in your area! Most of our exhibitors are from surrounding counties and are names you can trust! You will have peace of mind dealing with our professionals. 2. We are the ONLY show that posts on-line what wedding professionals will be participating in our show. We will have over 110 wedding professionals to help with your wedding planning. No exaggerated numbers here - just a list of the biggest names in the bridal industry. You can see for yourself who will be at the show, and what exhibitors you may want to visit. The names that you see on our list that say 'Seen Only @' will ONLY be at our show! Don't be mislead by other claims - we guarantee it!! 3. We are the ONLY show that DOES NOT pass out you email address or your friends email address. Our exhibitors NEVER see your email so you will not have to opt out of hundreds of individual emails. Our web system allows you to opt out by category, or opt out of everything with one button. So no emails from exhibitors you have already booked and no emails 6 months after you're married. You can get emails and specials from the Cavanaugh vendors you select - and it only takes seconds to update your profile once you have made your wedding selections. 4. It's all about Weddings!! You've got one afternoon to make your wedding perfect. Why not spend it with other brides who share the same goal and dream - finding great professionals who will make your wedding perfect!! Thanks we hope to see you at the show!! The Staff at Cavanaugh's BrideShow
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